The Video is Mightier Than the Pen.

This site is dedicated to those that died at the hands of the real terrorists.

"Confronting the Evidence: A Call to Reopen the 911 Investigation"
Get the DVD!



Eric Hufschmid
Summary of the Biggest Questions

There is considerable evidence that what hit the Pentagon was NOT AA-77.

The Pentagon's security cameras show some aircraft being shattered by a missile automatically from one of the defense batteries that surround the Pentagon. The Pentagon admits the aircraft came in low. It did so to get under the radar that controls those missles. Fight 77 had a wing span of 129 feet. It CANNOT fly that low and that fast due to the ground effect cushion that is formed. 757's have to stall, that is quit flying, in order fly that close to the ground. Cruise Missles and remotely piloted vehicles such as the US's Global Hawks, however , can.

The World Trade Center Towers

Explosives were placed in both towers before the attack to cause the towers to disintegrate into dust. This is obvious when you view the collapses and see the puffs of smoke and finely powedered concrete, computers, desks, chairs, the building shoot straight out and even up into the air. (see our video on our main home page)

Building 7

It was a 47 story, steel-framed building that disintegrated at 5:30 PM, also from explosives.
The 23rd floor was the Mayor’s "Emergency Command Center," which had its own air supply. This appears to be the command center for the attack on the towers. Larry Silverstein admited he ordered the Fire Department of New York to implode it, that is use a controlled demolition to destory it. Yet FEMA wrote “The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time.” Federal Emergency Management Administration. Chapter 5 Page 31 May 2002

To download the free Internet Version of "Painful Deceptions" DVD click on the following links: (Order our DVD for a high quality version) Buy the book.

(Original links below no longer linked. Please watch on YouTube)
"Unanswered Questions" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 1 (.wmv 4.3 megs)

"Senator Mark Dayton Exposes Coverup" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 2 (.wmv 1.6 megs)

"News [Propaganda] Reports" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 3 (.wmv 3.7 megs)

"The Pentagon" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 4 (.wmv 2.6 megs)

"AA Flight 77" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 5 (.wmv 2.2 megs)

"Pentagon Scraps" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 6 (.wmv 2.9 megs)

"Global Hawks - What really Hit the Pentagon"" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 7 (.wmv 3.6 megs)

"Building 7" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 8a (.wmv 3.0 megs)

"Building 7 continued - Silverstein confesses" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 8b (.wmv 3.0 megs)

"The Towers" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 9 (.wmv 2.1 megs)

"The Collapse" Painful Deceptions DVD Part 10 (.wmv 5.7 megs)

Flash Movie about 911 from Say It With Humor




Hole @ The Pentagon is Too Small
Building 7 Collapse Unexplained
Click here or on the image to watch the video
Click here or on the image to watch the video
911 Commission's Omissions &Lies
Plane too small to be Flight77
Click here or on the image to watch the video
Click here or on the image to watch the slide



CNN exclusive video from two different angles shows the second plane hitting the World Trade Center
Play video
(Quick Time, Real or Windows Media)
Exclusive video of 2nd plane crashing into the World Trade Center
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(Quick Time, Real or Windows Media)

Watch the second plane flying directly into the World Trade Center
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(Quick Time, Real or Windows Media)
Watch the dramatic video as one of the World Trade Center Towers collapses 
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(Quick Time, Real or Windows Media)
U.S. Pentagon on fire. Portions of the U.S. Pentagon collapse and burn (Sept. 11)
Play video
(Quick Time, Real or Windows Media)



The Pentagon
The World Trade Center

Last Updated October 8, 2005