Rodriguez v. Bush, U.S. District Court (E.D. Penn.) Case No. 04 cv 4952
Below is the introduction which D. Alexander Floum wrote for the book which John Leonard is thinking of publishing about 9-11 justice and lawsuits.
I've been asked whether we can obtain
justice against the perpetrators of
the 9-11 attacks. I think the answer
is yes. However, some background is
needed to see the factors which would
play out in a 9-11 lawsuit.
Is there
a Legal Basis for a 9-11 Lawsuit?
Legally, I believe
we should win in court. As shown in
this book and other publications, the
evidence that certain elements of the
government intentionally allowed and
caused the 9-11 tragedy is extremely
strong. Under theories of murder, criminal
negligence, conspiracy, treason and
other doctrines, the perpetrators should
be found guilty and brought to justice.
However, any
government employee sued would claim
that they are protected by sovereign
immunity defenses (meaning, in essence, ";I'm the king, so you can't sue
me";). This area of law is too complicated
to discuss here, but I believe we might
be able to overcome sovereign immunity
defenses, since acts of murderous treason
should not be considered within the
normal scope of government employment.
However, it is
unlikely that a court would allow high-level
officials such as a sitting president
or vice president to be tried until
they leave office after the end of their
designated term or through impeachent
and removal. This is because the constitutional ";separation of powers"; doctrine
provides that one branch of government,
such as the judiciary, cannot unduly
interfere with the workings of another
branch, such as the executive branch.
It is clear that a sitting president
cannot be tried criminally, although
it has not been decided whether the
president can be indicted (the first
step in the criminal process) while
in office or whether the vice president
has the same protections as the president.
The courts would likely pass the buck
by staying any criminal action against
both the president and vice president
until they are out of office.
Finally, the
government would likely argue that the
entire lawsuit is superseded by ";national
security"; considerations, and so
must be thrown out of court. This may
be a tough, since post-911, all government
employees, including judges, tend to
defer to arguments about security, and
because the Patriot Acts have already
superseded many laws and constitutional
provisions. Indeed, secret military
tribunes now routinely decide important
cases in secret. Therefore, a 9-11 case
which made any headway would undoubtedly
be attacked by the Department of Justice
as interfering with national security
interests, and the government would
attempt to impose a total secrecy order
on the trial.
Can we
win in Court?
Lawyers know
a dirty little secret that other people
don't often think about: judges are
people, and most of them decide lawsuits
based on their personal prejudices,
ideas, and belief systems. Therefore,
in addition to the defenses discussed
above, how a judge would decide a 9-11
related case depends partially on who
he or she is as a human being.
There are some
brave and patriotic judges out there
who are true heroes. If a 9-11 case
with a good lawyer and credible witnesses
gets in front of one of these judges,
justice might actually be done. The
trick is to line up the attorneys and
witnesses, make sure they have the resources
to see the case through, and then play
the odds game of filing lawsuits, and
challenging closed-minded judges who
would not decide the case based upon
the facts and the law, until a brave
and open-minded judge can be found.
Because any successful
9-11 lawsuit against a government employee
would likely be appealed all the way
to the U.S. Supreme Court, the alliances
of the justices of that court would
ultimately be an important factor in
the outcome of a 9-11 case. By way of
example, the Supreme Court ordered President
Nixon to turn over his presidential
tapes, which largely led to his downfall.
In contrast, in 2000, the current supreme
court handed Bush a victory against
Gore. Therefore, the upcoming nominations
to the Supreme Court could have a direct
impact on the end game in any 9-11 lawsuit.
9-11 Legal Efforts
Several people
have recently submitted a complaint
to New York's attorney general, Elliot
Spitzer. Spitzer is a dedicated activist
when it comes to fighting corporate
crime. However, he is running for governor,
and political considerations might lessen
the chance that he would pursue a 9-11
A copy of the
Spitzer complaint is presented in this
book. While fairly well-written, the
complaint includes confusing and contradictory
theories about who was behind 9-11.
Ellen Mariani,
the widow of a 9-11 victim, filed a
case based on a civil conspiracy theory.
However, a law firm linked with the
Bush administration succeeded in removing
her as administrator of her late husband's
estate as a back-door play to stop the
suit. Former world trade center employee
William Rodriguez and 9-11 hero stepped
in as lead plaintiff in the suit.
A copy of the
Rodriguez complaint is included in this
book. While passionate and well-written,
the complaint may -- as discussed below
-- suffer from inclusion of too many
conspiracy theories, such as election
Attorney Stanley
Hilton, former chief of staff for Bob
Dole, has filed a 9-11 case in San Francisco.
However, the judge has expressed severe
scepticism of his case.
There are also
numerous 9-11 related personal injury
and insurance lawsuits, although they
do not appear to directly address who
was actually responsible for the attacks.
To my knowledge,
no attorney has yet filed a class action
case based upon 9-11. Not many trial
lawyers handle class actions, since
it takes alot of work to get the plaintiffs
certified as a class and taking the
other necessary steps not required in
other types of civil lawsuits. Also,
class actions take a special type of
expertise which many trial lawyers don't
To date, no key
insiders in the government have blown
the whistle on the government's role
in 9-11. Former FBI translators have
laid bare the falsity of many of the
government's claims, but no one has
stepped forward to reveal what really
Moreover, few
nationally-known, first-tier trial lawyers
have yet gotten involved in the fight
for 9-11 justice. One of the purposes
of this book is to attract the attention
of heavy-hitting trial lawyers to take
up the cause.
a Government Prosecutor Be Our White
Some 9-11 activists
are focused on attempting to convince
state attorneys general to file 9-11
lawsuits. As mentioned above, a complaint
has already been submitted to New York's
attorney general. Does this mean that
the NY complaint should be copied and
submitted to the other 49 state attorneys
Its tempting
to do so. State attorneys general have
substantial resources to investigate,
conduct discovery in, and prosecute
cases. They often possess in-house investigators,
special discovery powers (i.e. subpoena
powers above and beyond a normal plaintiff
in a case), and the staff needed to
see a lawsuit through to the end.
However, it first
needs to be determined whether the attorney
general or another prosecuting agency
has jurisdiction over the case. District
attorneys or county attorneys usually
have jurisdiction over murder cases
which occur within their geographic
district. State attorneys general can
sometimes assist in a murder trial,
and often handle any appeals of a verdict
in such a trial. Attorneys general also
have power to prosecute certain types
of cases pursuant to statute. And the
United States Attorney has jurisdiction
over crimes against the United States,
which 9-11 probably was.
Therefore, before
a complaint is filed with the attorney
general, it must be determined whether
that agency, the district attorney or
county counsel, or the United States
Attorney or U.S. Department of Justice
is the agency with jurisdiction over
the specific types of crime (such as
murder or criminal conspiracy) which
are being alleged. The analysis of which
is the proper agency will depend on
the types of crime alleged in the complaint.
Moreover, public
prosecutors have wide discretion on
which cases they choose to pursue. Unlike
a civil lawsuit, which is initiated
at the discretion of a citizen, criminal
complaints are prosecuted by a governmental
agency at its discretion. While a prosecutor
receives many complaints, he or she
will decide to pursue a small handful
of such cases based on a number of factors,
including which cases fit in with the
priorities of that office (for example,
corporate crime and securities fraud
are Elliot Spitzer's focus, environmental
laws have been a prime concern for many
California attorneys general, while
enforcing anti-sodomy laws and punishing
violent criminals and drug offenders
have been the focus of some recent southern
attorneys general).
Whether or not
the prosecutor thinks that the case
is winnable is another factor in the
decision. Governmental prosecutors,
whether county district attorneys, state
attorneys general, or the federal department
of justice, usually don't touch cases
they don't think they have a good chance
of winning.
So part of the
art in drafting a complaint to an attorney
general or district attorney is writing
it in a way which implies that a 9-11
lawsuit would fit in with that agency's
focus and that such a lawsuit has a
real chance of being successful.
Because no attorney
general will pursue a lawsuit unless
it can help right a wrong suffered by
citizens of that particular state (which
relates to concepts which lawyers call ";standing"; or ";jurisdiction";,
depending on the context), the complaint
needs to explain in some detail the
physical or economic injuries which
the perpetrators of 9-11 caused to at
least one citizen of that particular
state. If any 9-11 victims lived in
that state, that should be pointed out.
If any family members of 9-11 victims
reside in the state, that might be good
enough. If there are no victims or family
members of victims, then more creative
arguments about economic injury to the
state and its citizens can be made.
The same is true of a complaint submitted
to a district attorney or other governmental
prosecutor. An attorney should definitely
be consulted in drafting the complaint
and addressing the jurisdiction and
standing requirements.
Finally, it should
be noted that each attorney general
has its own procedure for submission
of a complaint. Some states, like New
York, have no specific format requirement.
Others, like Michigan, may only accept
a complaint on one of the state's pre-approved
forms. Care must be paid to the practice
of the particular prosecutor to which
a complaint is submitted.
Should a Complaint Include?
Some of the 9-11
complaints include claims that the Iraq
war is illegal, that the Patriot Act
and related laws are fascist and intended
to strip away our liberties, and a host
of other claims. I personally agree
that 9-11 was probably committed as
a ";Reichstag fire"; type operation
in order to justify imperial ambitions,
including seizure of Iraqi oil and suspension
of civil rights within the U.S. which
interfere with the exercise of unfettered,
centralized power.
However, the
vast majority of judges will immediately
write off as bogus any complaint which
contains too many different conspiracy
claims. The reason is that every judge
has reviewed a complaint written by
someone who is literally psychotic which
claims that everyone is out to get them
and everyone has hurt them in some way.
Understandably, after seeing a couple
complaints like this, judges tend to
automatically close their minds to any
lawsuit alleging too many conspiracies
or conspirators. Therefore, any 9-11
suit which attempts to weave in too
many different crimes, such as an unlawful
war, unlawful seizure of centralized
power by the government, voting rights
fraud, etc. will probably fail.
However, some
9-11 complaints have gone too far the
other way, and have not included enough
claims and theories related to 9-11.
For example, some of the complaints
solely allege that the defendants were
negligent in allowing 9-11 to happen,
while completely ignoring the physical
evidence that the 9-11 attacks could
not possibly have happened in the manner
that the government has described and
could not have happened without direct
assistance from certain governmental
personnel. Failing to mention such evidence
gives a court the easy out of finding
that the government was careless, but
not criminally so. This is the ";mistakes
were made, but who could have foreseen
9-11?"; tack which the 9-11 Commission
took, which lets everyone off the hook.
Moreover, any
complaint which fails to mention Operation
Northwoods and the Reichstag fire might
miss an opportunity to provide the historical
background and context which a court
probably needs to fully understand 9-11.
In Operation Northwoods, the U.S. Joint
Chiefs of Staff proposed committing
terrorist acts against U.S. citizens
in order to blame Cuba and serve as
a rationale for invading that country.
In the Reichstag fire, Nazis set fire
to an important German building and
blamed the Communists, in order to justify
Adolph Hitler's wars on foreign nations.
Criminal law
largely focuses on attempting to prove
motive for committing the crime and
the means of, and opportunity for, performing
the criminal act. Operation Northwoods
and the Reichstag fire are historically
powerful examples of the type of motive
which appear to be behind behind complicity
within certain elements of the U.S.
government in the 9-11 attacks. Specifically,
seizure of middle eastern oil and a
new imperial presidency may have been
motive for the 9-11 attack, and a judge
needs some education on this basic concept.
The bottom line
is that mentioning Iraq or oppressive
new laws as additional crimes will likely
cause a complaint to be tossed into
the trash can-- this is
the ";everything including the kitchen
sink"; type of complaint that a
judge will assume is worthless. But
mentioning such facts as part of the
motive for why 9-11 was committed, if
explained in a logical and understated
fashion, might be helpful in providing
background for the case. In other words,
it might be alright to tell the judge
why the perpetrators committed the 9-11
attacks, but don't give the judge a
catalogue of crimes that they committed
in addition to 9-11.
So How
do we get there from here?
Lawyers and witnesses
won't get anywhere without support.
Unless the word about 9-11 is spread,
then funding and support will not be
available for the legal efforts.
Moreover, only
a synergistic effort on all fronts will
work. The whistleblowers and researchers
have to explain to us what happened.
The alternative press has to get the
word out there, to develop a critical
mass. And citizens have to pressure
the media and politicians to take this
issue seriously. The civil rights movement
only won court victories because the
attorneys arguing those cases had a
huge, grassroots non-violent movement
behind them. Short of a prominent whistleblower
coming forward about 9-11, the same
dynamic probably applies here. However,
a single important whistleblower, outstanding
lawyer, or brave judge might tip the
scales and make for a successful case.
The 9-11 movement
should not put all of its eggs in the
legal basket, due to the difficulties
discussed above. However, the legal
effort should be one of the main prongs
of the battle for 9-11 truth and justice,
since any single case could bring real
results. So the judicial effort must
be adequately supported to give it a
real chance to succeed.
Is it
worth it?
While the effort
will be difficult, there could not be
a more important mission for us. There
has been no real investigation about
9-11. The federal 9-11 commission almost
completely ignored the questions of
who carried out the attacks and supported
the attackers, why the most powerful
military in the world failed to timely
scramble fighter jets but instead ";stood
down"; and allowed the attacks,
why the world trade center's twin towers
and building 7 collapsed when no other
steel-frame high-rise in history has
collapsed due to fire, and why the attack
on the Pentagon left very little if
any visible record of a plane crash.
The Bush administration attempted from
day one to thwart any investigations,
and then allowed one only after enormous
public pressure. The official investigation
was denied access to many important
documents, was drastically underfunded
(with less money to investigate the
crime of the century than was allocated
to the Monica Lewinsky investigation),
and was really allowed to focus only
on ";intelligence failures";,
not what happened on that terrible day.
It is up to the American people to demand,
through the legal process, media, and
politicians, that a full investigation
into 9-11 is conducted and the perpetrators
brought to justice.
The rule of thumb
is that truths about U.S. government
action are only revealed 50 years after
they happen. Only in the 1990's did
it come out that the U.S. let Pearl
Harbor happen to justify our entry into
World War II. Only now is Operation
Northwoods being reported.
We need truth
and justice now. If we wait 50 years,
the perpetrators behind 9-11 will be
long gone, and the ideals of liberty,
justice and freedom may be forgotten.
We are at a pivotal point in history,
the time is now, and the stakes could
not be higher. The legal system is not
perfect, and there are difficulties
in attempting to prosecute government
personnel in an imperial government.
However, at a time in which congress
and the media appear more loyal to the
forces of empire than to the good of
the people, the legal system is one
of the best tools we have for pursuing
justice for the victims of September
of the Rule of Law
Right now, the
American constitution is largely being
dismantled by the Patriot Act and Patriot
Act II. Basic constitutional protections
of privacy, freedom from illegal searches,
freedom of speech and freedom of religion
are under attack and are falling one
by one by the wayside. Freedom from
torture, guaranteed by the Geneva Convention,
has unlitaterally been revoked by the
United States.
Americans are
taught in history class that we have
a government of laws, and that our constitution
guarantees a separation of powers between
the courts, the congress, and the president.
But the principles underlying the constitution
only survive if those in power choose
to honor and protect its ideals. And
the power-brokers will only serve the
principles embodied in the Constitution
to the extent that we the people demand
that they do.
Democracy is
a verb, not a noun. It is not something
that Americans possess and which was
handed down to us as done deal. It is
in fact a process, which only will survive
to the degree we fight for it. The saying ";vigilance is the price of democracy";
is not a cliche but an ongoing cause
and effect law of society. Indeed, Benjamin
Franklin, one of our founding fathers,
repeatedly warned that after 200 years,
most governments become stale and corrupt.
What happens
if judges, congressmen and the president
become corrupted by power or ideology
and stop honoring the constitution?
More specifically, what happens if the
courts no longer follow the rule of
law and the constitution?
I believe that
9-11 is a test for democracy. If the
perpetrators are allowed to get away
with their crime, then the justice system
will have failed, and the separation
of powers which our founding fathers
worked so hard to create will have been
destroyed. 9-11 is the ";Achilles
heel"; of a ruthless group of people
bent on imperial control. Bringing such
people to justice is a prerequisite
to protecting our democratic republic.
Alexander Floum is an attorney and
former law school professor.